Submittal of Campaign --------------------- Your name : Gordon Farrell (aka Drake) Your Email : Campaign Title : The Persian Wars: Uprising in Ionia (3 missions) Date submitted : 2/18/98 # of scenarios : 3 Difficulty level : Hard Description: This is an attempt to create a set of challenging scenarios that trace the drama and the action of the great wars between Persia and Greece, in the 5th Century B.C. I have paid as much attention as I could to historical accuracy. There are, however, some anomalies in my philosophy of computer gaming which colored my approach to designing. Truth be told, I'm more of a turn-based gamer than a real time gamer. Consequently, my scenarios (I think) play more like turn-based games. For the most part, you will not find yourself under constant, direct attack. Instead, you'll have significant "breathing spaces" to plan your next move. But your move, once you initiate it, will bring your enemies down on your head! At least, that's what I'm TRYING to accomplish -- any and all feedback on these initial three scenarios will be much appreciated!! My long-range plan is a total of nine scenarios: three dealing with Darius' attack on the Greek mainland, and three for his son, Xerxes', all-out effort to subjugate Greece once and for all. I hope you have fun. If I did my job right, though, you should be cursing a blue streak at some of the problems I've tried to create for you!